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Ebook Télécharger Anxious

Ebook Télécharger Anxious

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Ebook Télécharger Anxious

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Détails sur le produit


Editeur : Oneworld Publications (1 juin 2018)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 1780748582

ISBN-13: 978-1780748580

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806.451 en Livres anglais et étrangers (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres anglais et étrangers)

I'd give it 6 stars if i could. The extra star is for work that contributes to a fundamental paradigm shift in the foundational assumptions upon which a science or professional discipline is built. This collection of information that's been entered into the database of humanity is simply underrated and underestimated. Some negative reviews have come from a few individuals who do understand and feel threatened.I was a student of psychology research until 20 years ago...Everything I learned up to 20 years ago has literally been invalidated by a few inventions like the MRI and a handful of neuroscientists able to think out of the box. I feel so fortunate to have enough of a psychology research background to understand the contents. However, as a bankrupted consumer of countless mental health services and a severe anxiety sufferer, I can tell anyone with anxiety that limits normal life activities it is worth learning the science just to understand the research in this book. Why? Because the research now shows us conclusively that "anxiety" is NOT a genetic disorder, or a character trait, or a demonic curse, or sin. It's simply a subjective perception of non-specific fear caused by the brain's threat-response system needing a bit of tune up.Most importantly this knowledge allows me as a sufferer of this condition to be able to divorce myself from the lifelong shame of thinking that my anxiety, my fear of my anxiety, and all the embarrassing coping mechanisms I built into my "personality" were the sentences in the definition of who I was. I am now free of those oh-so misguided assumptions, and I can at least live my remaining life as a new person without any labels.Now we can see that the entire concept of "anxiety" is much closer to conditions such as epilepsy at a neuro-physical level where the dampening circuits in our brain fail to keep up with the excitatory circuits. Also we see that brain circuits are accidentally altered after traumatic events, but they can set back to normal. Psychotherapies that deal in getting in touch with feelings, reliving past traumas, taking personality inventories, etc will go the route of Sigmund Fraud. We now know they are as useless as bloodletting and inducing boils. No wonder SSRIs and CBT work great (for a few weeks) then stop. Mindfulness of one's condition is a far superior than the mental judo of CBT, and drugs that better target the neural dampening systems will eliminate anxiety much more completely, effectively and quickly.LeDoux must have some serious enemies who's professional livelihoods based on the old science are now in the process of losing credibility.

This book examines the neuroscience of anxiety, though psychology also makes a prominent appearance in the discussion – particularly toward the end of the book. It’s written by one of the top researchers in the field emotional neuroscience, though LeDoux discusses the work of other labs, comparing and contrasting their work with that of his own, and thus giving an idea of the fault lines in the field. (By that I mean more the questions that remain in dispute, not who hates whom.)The book addresses a number of key questions such as: How does brain activity result in the emotional experience? How do conscious emotional feelings relate to and interact with non-conscious responses to threatening stimuli? Is the human emotional experience a hand over from animal ancestors or a uniquely human condition? How effective are drug-based versus psycho-therapeutic approaches to anxiety disorders? What has been learned about extinguishing anxious responses to threatening stimuli? Needless to say, this book doesn’t answer all the questions, as many of the questions – particularly those regarding consciousness – remain to be definitively answered. It does offer a great overview of the state of understanding in the present day.I won’t present a chapter by chapter outline, but rather a look at the book’s general flow. LeDoux starts by laying groundwork, and in this case that means clarifying the relationship between fear and anxiety. While the former often captures the imagination because of its dramatic and traumatic causes, the latter is more of a concern as its grinding long-term effects can cripple the immune system and have other adverse effects. The early chapters also discuss what has been learned about how emotions are formed in the brain and how views about this have changed over time.Chapter five is where LeDoux explores the relationship between animal emotionality and human emotional life. This is an important subject as it relates to the question of whether research with animals can teach us anything relevant to the human experience. As it has become progressively more difficult to conduct any research that causes human subjects any emotional distress, this question may be instrumental to making progress in the field.Chapters six through eight are interconnected by the question of consciousness. Chapter six discusses the nature of consciousness, which remains one of the most slippery and least understood concepts in the natural world. Chapter seven delves into memory and consciousness – an important topic as anxious responses can be viewed as learned responses and this begs the question of unlearning. Memory will later be revisited with respect to the question of whether it’s possible to erase painful or anxiety-inducing memories (ala, “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”) – based on work that came out of LeDoux’s lab – and, if so, whether it’s a good idea. The final consciousness chapter gets into consciousness of emotion, specifically (as opposed to all the other thoughts and feelings of which one can be consciously aware.)The last three chapters are also interconnected by movement from the question of how is anxiety felt / experienced to the question of what one can do about it. The first of these chapters discusses an epidemic of anxiety (entitled “40 million anxious minds,” and that refers to the US alone) and what has been learned about drug-based treatments. As it happens, drug-based treatments haven’t proven reliably effective, leaving plenty of room for other approaches, e.g. psychotherapy. This fact is the basis for the last two chapters that discuss different approaches to extinguishing the connection between a stimulus and the anxious response. The first of theses chapters (ch.10) is more general and the last chapter dives deep into the research that has been done in recent years. Chapter 11 also offers a nice discussion of how breath exercises and meditation can be instrumental in reducing the adverse effects of anxiety.As would be expected of a scholarly work, the book is heavily annotated, has an extensive bibliography, and uses a great number of graphics in an attempt to lend clarity.I would put this work in the same category as the works of Robert Sapolsky. That is to say, it resides in a space between the level of detail usually seen in works of popular science and that which is seen in textbooks for specialists. That is to say, LeDoux does get into some detail and this isn’t a light read for anyone without a heavy-duty background in biological sciences. That said, if you have a basic scientific literacy (and / or don’t care too much about the fine detail), it’s by no means impossibly dense. When it’s not diving into the various brain regions and neuronal pathways, it’s quite readable.I’d recommend this book for anyone who is interested in a detailed look at how anxiety arises and how it can be quelled.

LeDoux offers critical and well-supported view towards the field of anxiety research. I especially liked his critique of anxiety research in animal models. He makes it clear what the problems are, how they can be overcome and what are the inherent limitations of animal models for mental disorders. Also, he provides nice elaboration on the compound essence of anxiety disorders, on their etiology and phenomenology. Recommended for researchers and therapists working with anxiety.

LeDoux's research has been invaluable to me in my work treating flight phobia. Hopefully this book will help therapists understand (1.) that "top-down" therapies such as CBT are useless in treating anxiety that develops "bottom-up;" (2.) that the benefit of exposure therapy is limited; (3.) "successful" exposure therapy is tentative and can be erased by subsequent trauma. Regarding his breathing exercise recommendation; apparently he was unaware that research shows breathing exercise are ineffective for anxiety (other than as a temporary distraction) and stand in the way of effective anxiety therapy. He cited research by Stephen Porges, but does not understant how Porges' discovery - the most important one in years - can be used to downregulate arousal and anxiety. He cietes oxytocin as a promising anxiety control possibility. Oxytocin is more than just promising. Pavlovian links between an oxytocin-producing memory and challenging moments of flight are being used by thousands of clients to control flight phobia (see reviews of "SOAR: The Breakthrough Treatment for Fear of Flying).

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